Repairs and Alterations

At some point, every aircraft will need repairs or alterations. Vaayu Aero Maintenance’s Service Advisors will work with each customer to get their aircraft back to the skies as quickly and safely as possible.

Major and Minor Repairs and Alterations

Our technicians are capable of doing both major and minor repairs as well as alterations for a variety of general aviation aircraft. Our Service Advisor will walk each customer through the scope of work and the cost estimate before beginning any repair or alteration.

Airworthiness and Service Bulletin Compliance

Airworthiness Directives (AD) are issued when the FAA finds that a product (aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance) is in an unsafe condition and notifies aircraft owners and operators of potentially unsafe conditions and needs special inspections, repairs, or alterations. Service Bulletins (SB) are notices to aircraft operators from a manufacturer notifying them of a product improvement.

STC Installations

A supplemental type certificate (STC) is a design approval processed and issued by an FAA ACO or a Designated Alteration Station for a modification to an aircraft in service, or by an FAA ACO for replacement or modification parts for use on type-certified products.

Major and Minor Structural Repairs

Structural repairs are made to aircraft that have sustained damage to the structure (i.e., external skin, stringers, formers, bulkheads, etc.) There are several ways an aircraft structure can be damaged. It is usually caused by ground service equipment, maintenance stands, bird strikes, or lightning strikes.

Contact Us

Call Us : 830-584-7970 (KBAZ) | 281-579-6674 (KIWS)